Poker Concepts

bet in poker

bet in poker



Bet in poker

The Worst Bet in Poker

bet in poker Let's close out the chapter with one of the worst bets in limit poker: betting into a lone opponent on the river when there is a made hand on the board that is not the nuts. For example, the board shows 87654 and you decide to bet without a 9 in your hand. Another example would be betting into a board with five suits without another suit in your hand. This bet gains nothing because a lone opponent will almost never fold in this situation. The best thing that can happen is that you split the pot; however, if your opponent has a higher straight or flush and raises, you lose two bets.

I can't tell you how many times I see players make this mistake even at $20-$40, only to lose two big bets. I doubt that anyone who buys a poker book would make this kind of mistake, but I have seen it enough times that I though it was worth mentioning. Note that this scenario is different if there are several players in the hand. In this case, sometimes you can get one or two players to fold if they are worried that someone might have the nuts.

